
  1. Unix-like operating system or operating environment (tools were developed and tested under Cygwin, the set of libraries and utilities representing UNIX environment on a Windows machine).

  2. Perl standard installation. The package was tested with Version 5.6.1. If not /usr/bin/perl, the Perl binary location must be specified in Makefile.

  3. Perl modules from CPAN:
    Expect for Perl. It is a generic tool for talking to processes that normally require user interaction.
    Required by
    Required by The version 0.05 now works under Cygwin/Windows.
    Required if you use lib/ library.

  4. XSLT Processor. Some tools produce XML output, and there are few XSL templates for translating this output into HTML or CSV (Comma-separated Values) format.

    By the moment, the tools were tested with the XSLT processor developed in GNOME project. The source distribution can be downloaded from Required packages are:

    libxml2: generic libraries for XML processing (tested with Version 2.4.11)
    libxslt: XSLT processor, by default is installed as /usr/local/bin/xsltproc (tested with Version 1.0.8)

  5. DocBook XML DTD. This documentation is written in DocBook XML format. The complete reference of this format can be found at The DTD files are used for XML translation. Version 4.1.2 is available at the DocBook home site: We assume that the templates are installed in /usr/local/lib/docbook-xml-dtd. You need this only if you are going to make changes to the documentation.

  6. DocBook XSL templates. The templates are used for translation of the DocBook files into HTML. The distribution of the templates is available at We assume that the templates are installed in /usr/local/lib/docbook-xsl. You need this also only if you are going to make changes to the documentation.