Name — Analyze the Cisco 7200 chassis for bandwidth points compliance



$NMSTOOLS_HOME/bin/ {--base dirname | --telnet} {--nodelist filename | --node hostname} [--out outfile] [--verbose]


Standard device login credentials

Files Used

Cisco modules information

Files Created

c7200-bwpt.html or the one specified with --out option. Contains bandwidth points report for each router.


The program analyses "show diag" output of specified Cisco 7200 routers and calculates the bandwidth poits according to Cisco recomendations.

Depending on the options given, the program either performs telnet connections, or reads the "show diag" reports from the specified directory tree (specify either --telnet or --base option). The program analyses either one (specified with --node), or several devices (hostnames read from the file given with --nodelist option).